Fear, Procrastination, Sense of Guilt and Hope

DSCFghd,jhrgfwd.JPGThis watercolour painting was made last year in a hard period while I was writing my thesis.

We can experience dark times, but we always need to know that everything will be fine at the end. And I mean spiritually. We also need to consider whether our difficulties are first world problems and notice how lucky we are if yes. (I am so lucky and grateful about that.)
What do you think, how did you resolve big long crizis situations?
Reference picture painted by Andrea Szabó.

#1 of 30 Day Drawing/Painting Challenge

1st still life
Let’s draw/paint every day!
I’ll try a 30 day challenge first and if it goes well and I can (have the time/energy/motivation) create a piece every day, then I’d like to try a 500 day one 🙂
It would be important to us who want to learn to draw/paint to practice every day.

First picture is my first aquarelle still life. Now I’ll run to the hobbystore, to buy very thick aquarelle paper as this one not thick enough.